BlackBerry 9000 Torch
- My firm only began to support non-BB devices recently. So by necessity, I've been using BB for work.
- Having the keyboard is definitely a plus.
- BBM - the best mobile instant message apps. Too bad it's only supported within the BB platform and BB users are quickly diminishing. Hello WhatsApp.
- Easier access and better sync with work related e-mails.
- OS is slow - takes for ever to switch open or close apps and eats up memory quickly.
- Browser is a piece of shit - not worth spending the time to surf the web. It takes forever to download pages and when they do, can't read easily
- It does have the look and feel of an iPhone; but it ain't an iPhone.
- Not as user friendly as iPhone; but, allows the user to customize the phone more to his/her liking. This means that if you have the time and the know how, you can customize a lot of the features on the phone to fit your needs. This also means that an average user will not be able to use half of the features on the phone.
- Google kept coming out with newer versions of the OS; but SonyEricsson was always slow in rolling out the upgrades to its phones; and ATT further delayed the roll out to its branded phones. So I had to flash my phone to get the upgrades.
- Crashes too often, especially if I ran one too many apps. Sometime crashed over 10 times a day, which was the reason why I stopped using it, even before my contract expired. Maybe partially due to the fact that I flashed my phone with upgrades without ATT's approval, which is also the reason I didn't go to ATT to get the phone fixed.
- Never will I get SonyEriccson phone (now Sony); and, not likely to get Android phone either.
- Made me appreciate perfectionist Steve Job's insistence of design and user friendliness.
- There is not much you have to do to set up the iPhone; most of its features, etc. are already decided for you; which may be frustrating to some who wants to customize, but because this product was very well thought out - it is so easy to use and the features that are build in are those features that we would want and use.
- OS is excellent - transition is smooth without noticeable lag
- Browser is 100 times better than BB - quick and fast and makes web surfing relatively easy
- Camera - again, its very quick and you don't notice any lag between pictures (unlike other phones where each time you take a picture, you have to wait for 2 second for the camera to process the image - that 2 seconds can feel like eternity).
- If you have a large iTune collection, you really need the iPhone.
- Display - everyone is talking about Galaxy SIII with its 4.8 inch screen. I kind of like iPhone's 3.5 inch screen. Any larger screen and the phone will be too wide for me to carry on one hand comfortably. In this case, bigger doesn't necessary mean better.
- Frame is solid.
- Siri - well, we don't get along too well, too many misunderstandings. Let's hope she will improve over time.
- Lack of physical keyboard is definitely a negative; but, I guess I'll have to get used to the virtual keyboard. With iPhone, I can live with that.
Needless to say - I really enjoy my iPhone. It will be interesting when BB 10 comes out. Will I upgrade my 9000? Stay tuned.