Monday, March 11, 2013

Two Years Ago Today

Two years ago today, the world as we know it changed. The Great East Japan Earthquake changed the lives of many directly impacted not only by the earthquake, but the tsunami and the nuclear meltdown. It also impact millions more in their own way.

I remember that day very well. The pictures of the tsunami destroying everything in its path as if they were made of paper. Then the pictures of explosions at the nuclear plants. Unimaginable and yet it was happening live in Japan of all place. But I also remember that day very well because that was the day that we learned we would be parents. It was as if many lives were taken; but one life was given to us.

As time passes, the memories fade. We move on with our lives, slowly forgetting how we felt, how the devastation impacted us, and forgetting that there are many who are still struggling to recover and rebuild. Only to be reminded by the sensationalism show put on by the media on each anniversary.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon each of us to remember in our own way so that the lives lost and impacted were not in vain but that we pass on the history to our future generations with hopes for better tomorrow.

We are reminded every day as we watch our Hope grow, how we wish her to be the type of person that brings hope and joy to others.

March 11, 2013

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