Friends come and go. Some drift apart for no fault of anyone in particular. Some were never meant to be. There are those that endure through the test of time and proximity. But I never fully appreciated the importance of having good, trusting, and long-term friendships until I came to New York.
New York is a great place to meet new people from all walks of life. That's one of the things I love about the city. But the reality is that for many, New York is not the final destination but only a layover in their life's journey. Some come for further education, others come for work, to live the glamor of the city life for a brief moment in their lives, only to go back to their roots hopefully bigger, prouder and more experienced. Many more come for the pursuit of their dreams, and too many of them forgotten never realizing those dreams.
During my years in New York, I've met many new friends. But I've said many good-byes as well. I've come to grips with the fact that this is a fact of life in New York. Over the years, friends have come and gone. I don't dwell on it, but I am reminded of this fact periodically. In reflection, the friends I had 5 years ago are not the same as the friends I have now. Of course there are some friendships that have endured. These are friends in what I call the semi-permanent group; those of us that call New York our permanent home, or at least until we find a better city to live (and its not easy to out do New York). That's not to say or belittle the friendships I have formed and bonded over the years. But as they move on and go back to where ever they came from, only a handful have endured the test of time and distance. Perhaps with Facebook and other SNS, we have a better chance of keeping those friendships (but that's for another time).
This past weekend, I was at a farewell party for a couple friend - whom we've met here in New York and gotten to be good friends. Again, a reminder that friends come and go. Although we had to say good-bye, we also met new friends. I never really liked farewell parties - why would you go to a party to say good-bye? Its usually an excuse to get together and have drinks. But perhaps there is a reason for such a party. Obviously to say good-bye; but it also serves a purpose of making new friendships - a partying gift by the person that's moving on to those that's left behind.
Establishing a livelihood in a new city where you have no friends or family is never easy. And in a transient city like New York, friends that you can trust is most critical to survival.
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